A picture I like and its story
I had a hard time choosing this photo since I didn't decide. And also I must confess that I have many pictures of my face that I also love but you have to leave the ego to the side.In this picture are my first year friends of career that I still keep. Back in the background is a work of geometry about the modules, a very hard work I must emphasize, because we came up with the brilliant idea of painting the modules with acrylic paint.This photo was taken 2 years ago on May 24th, 2017. In that year my concerns were other, had other family problems and another house and friends, but this photo reflects how well I spent in college, is thanks to my friends I could go ahead and not give up on adversity.I think that in the not too distant future we will look at this picture and we will feel that we are still the same, that is the idea.I love this picture so much and I love my friends of that period and the current friends.
Awww! look that faces.... it was before the tragedy of knowing the reality of the FAU, but with friends we can fight the FAU!!!