Favorite move or series

For me films and series are more than art, are a teaching, are sharing with family and friends, is like entering an unknown world full of fantasy and also reality. Since childhood I've seen series on TV, famous series of Japanese animation. For example Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, One Piece, Naruto, etc. Since was Netflix born I became a fan of the series, my favorites are breaking bad, Orange is the New Black, House of Cards and the good place. With regard to the films, I loved bird box with the performance of Sandra Bullock, I touched Roma directed by Alfonso CuarĂ³n, a great Mexican director like many others who break the discrimination of Latin art. What was the last series I watch? The Umbrella Academy was the last series I saw and I was very surprised, for a long time that was not produced an original series of super heroes that impacted so much, I know this isn´t a film critic blog but I give a 9.5